My best friend came to town for the weekend. A much over needed girls time. No kids this time. Although we did go to Duncan's hockey game and then to lunch with the boys. Her daughter didn't come on this trip.
Just us. Just like we were there through all these years. Of course, now we are "more mature". Oh yeah? Not to worry, we aren't believing it either.
We have our night out in Cherry Creek. We sleep in. We see the boys.
What are we doing now? I don't know, what do you want to do? Want to have dinner in Vail? (it's about an hour and a half drive - on a clear dry day).
We can stay with Rob and Deb. Or I can see if my running buddy is at his house? (He wasn't there, but said we could stay at the house)
Okay, well, let's go.
We stay in the most incredible house, right on the creek in East Vail at the base of the mountain. A picturesque scene from a movie. And it turns out, my friend Rob actually designed, delivered and installed the kitchens, bathrooms and woodwork in the house.
We stayed out late. We slept until noon. We woke up to go out for lunch.
Then we went to the bar we always visit for Apres Ski (the one where one time we knocked on the window for them to let us in as it was closed for a private party. More here). Apres Ski (after ski) only you don't have to ski to show up during this time.
It's "high season" in Vail. Great snow. The places are crowded. And well, how do we put this, this is the place "groups of guys" go on vacation. If you think about it, you either have groups of guys on golf trips or ski trips. I don't ever remember meeting a group of guys (over the age of 30) on a trip to the beach.
And then, the next thing you know, we are the most beautiful women in the bar. Of course, we are the only women in the bar. But, it doesn't matter. Everyone has the ski adrenaline running. The vacation vibe flowing through their veins. Everyone is singing along to the piano singer like we were in a bar in college. Father/son trips. "Traditional trips" - the same guys have been coming to the valley for 20 years. The stories are all the same. Everyone is anonymous. (Yet, you are sitting with CEO's of companies, Firemen from NY and Oil riggers from Texas - and everything in between). People are just being friendly, wonderful people. Reminding us how great life can be.
We've met some great people in Vail over the years. They help you breathe. This trip helped us learn things once again:
- Vail looks just as pretty as it did 10 years ago, only we appreciate it more
- People are generally friendly. Everyone is having fun, and it's fun to be around fun people.
- We don't go back to the house to change clothes once we've left. So, if we leave the house, we better be prepared to stay out. (we knew that this time - we've learned that lesson)
- Vail is really just Disneyland - for adults. Only better.
- It looks just like you expect it to look.
- You aren't on VACATION - it's called "Vailcation"
- We actually met a "Jimmy Cappuccino" Yes, that was his real name. And the only true irony would really be if I married this guy and I lived on a Coffee Farm in Kona. I still wouldn't drink coffee. But what a great story - how can you not smile when you say I met "Jimmy Cappuccino"??
- You are thankful for the fact that the Red Lion has bad lighting and guys still think we are in our 30's.
- You appreciate Vail most when you are with your best friend.
- The odds will always be good. Just don't ever forget, the goods are still odd.
As we stumbled to the shuttle at the end of the evening for the ride back to our Vail house. We decided, in our next life, well, we are coming back as us.
Isn't that what a weekend is supposed to do for you?