Monday, August 1, 2011

A Hui Ho

Dear Hawaii,

Are you a place? a state? a state of mind? a thought? an island? Or a new hale?

Fourth of July weekend, 1992, I left Houston, Texas for Denver, Colorado. For a "season".

Yes, that was 19 years ago. I had never been to Colorado. And really, it wasn't on the list. Although, to tell the truth, I'm not sure Hawaii was on the list of places to visit in life. Other than the thought "Oh, that would be nice".

This year on Fourth of July weekend, I headed to you.

Mahalo Hawaii

for the season,
for the memories,
the love,
the black-eye,
the kindness,
the ohano,
new friends and old,
Sunsets and memories,
(you can keep your chickens and roosters!)
fresh fruit
and things words can't even describe.

This dream, I couldn't have even dreamed it this well.

We now load up the car, and head to the LAST sunset at Huggo's for one more fish taco and one more Mai Tai.

I say to you:

there is no cash left in the purse, but

there is goodness in my heart,

peace in my mind,

joy in my soul, and

tears in my eyes.

A hui ho Hawaii, A hui ho.....

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