Monday, January 7, 2013

In Deux Time

All in Deux Time.  The theme for the year.

I can never go into the year thinking "I need to accomplish....... (fill in the blank)"  I have to set goals.  As mentioned last year, I put something out there, then some how, I end up right where I'm supposed to be.  (Of course, we all do).

I'll recap my year, next time, maybe.  I'm better looking forward than back.

This year's theme came along on Saturday.  In due time.  I was having trouble with the word "due".  While I'm great with deadlines, if I "have" to do something, not very good.  In fact, I usually go the other way.  I DON'T.  Or my luck, I would end up with a "Due Date".  Not in the library book kind of way. No, "due" is not it.

In Due Time?
In Do Time?
In Dew Time?

For some reason the time theme keeps reappearing (pretty funny saying we don't have clocks around here). 

We could go with the "do time".  As in, "What am I going to DO this year?"  I like that.  I can start a list.  I'm good at crossing things off the list.  Or making lists just to look back at how ridiculous I was being.

Dew Time?  Mornings?  NOOOO.  Used to be a morning person.  Like life much better without seeing the "dew".

Deux Time.  Double time?  Time for two?

I set out in 2012 with the 12 theme, but really it was all about "".  I tried.  I met more than 12 fascinating people and had over 12 moments in life.  However, that's not what I meant.  Is it ever?

So, this year:  "All in Deux Time".  Truly, I wrote that.  My next thought:  "Lord help us all".

Can't imagine what we will "deux" this year........

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