Saturday, October 20, 2012

I write better in Hawaii

My mom didn't believe me.

Neither did anyone else.

"I love what you write."   I've been hearing it more.  This blog started two summers ago as a journal for the next "adventure" of my life.  That's all.  Just stories of our House Swap.  Then I discovered there was a write living inside of me.  She needed to come out.  Then I come home to the mainland.

Then my mom agrees.  Granted,  no loves you more than your mom.  Some point in time, she agrees, you do write better in Kona.  My cousin writes me: " When are you going back to Hawaii? I miss your blogs".  A local friend I didn't know read my blogs:  "You need to go to Kona, your musings from Kona are great"

Are they great because I'm at my happiest there?  or are they great, because YOU can live there with me.  I'm just writing well enough for you to imagine it there not here.  YOU get to escape with me. 

Happiness moment:

On the beach this summer.

Me:  Reading a book I bought at the recycling center in Holuloaloa.  $ . 50 a book.

It was a book signed by the author.  It was simple.  It was beautiful.  It was a beach book, I paid fifty cents for, signed by the author and I was sitting on the beach reading it.  It was a perfect moment in time.

I just finished the book while sitting at the beach.  It was  happy book.   A lady on the beach walks by:

LOB:  You represent what it means to read a book on the beach

Me:  Really?

LOB:  You should see your face.  You are smiling from ear to ear.

Me:  I got this book at the recycling center for $.50.  It's a signed book.  It was a simply happy book

LOB:  Thank you for letting me share your joy. 

Me:  Mahalo

We should all be so lucky. 

Yes, I had just read the book.  Yes, I was smiling.  What I was really smiling about???  (Yes the book did make me smile).  The last page.  You know, the page they tell you about the author.

The author:

She left her corporate job and lives on the Big Island.   She writes books.  She lived happily ever after...

I'm still smiling..

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