Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter Training

Training in the winter is different then training in the spring, summer and fall.  At least for me.  I live in Denver.

We get four seasons.  We GET winter.  It snows.  It is cold.  We do get lots of sunshine.  We do get 50 degree days.  

Just not every day. 

I HATE running on the treadmill.  Really, I don't like running.  Well, I mean I do, but I don't.  We have a love/hate relationship.  Only I never really get to the "love" stage - more to the "I like you, like you" stage.  

So, I'm training for something I said I didn't want to do again until 2016.  And it's winter.  And I have less than 90 days to get ready.  

But, I'm doing it.  I'm training for a marathon.  I put together my training schedule:

6-Jan 1 Rest 4.5 6.5 10 21
13-Jan 2 Rest 4 6 4 cross 8 cross 22
20-Jan 3 Rest 4 7 4 cross 10 cross 25
27-Jan 4 Rest 4 7 4 cross 11 cross 26
3-Feb 5 Rest 4 8 4 cross 12 cross 28
10-Feb 6 Rest 5 8 5 cross 14 cross 32
17-Feb 7 Rest 5 10 5 cross 16 cross 36
24-Feb 8 Rest 5 12 5 cross 18 cross 40
3-Mar 9 Rest 5 10 5 cross 20 cross 40
10-Mar 10 Rest 5 12 5 cross 17 cross 39
17-Mar 11 Rest 5 8 5 cross 15 cross 33
24-Mar 12 Rest 4 8 4 cross 12 cross 28
31-Mar 13 Rest 3 mile 2 mile 20 minutes STROLL THROUGH PARIS  31.2

This is just my guide.  I should have made it equal 414.2 miles, but I don't really want to run those extra 13 miles.  It would have had to be an extra 14 miles - then the numbers wouldn't have been even.  I'm not really even going to run 401.2 miles as I'm already behind.

I'm kinda on track.  I ran 6 miles today.  Only 2 yesterday, but I also went to yoga.  Today I had to wear a hat and gloves and walk around ice on the trail.  

Good things:  It's not too hot
I don't have to get up and run at 4:30 in the morning to avoid  the heat.
I'm not near as dehydrated.  
The mountains look incredible with the snow on top of them.

And when I run in Paris, in April, I can leave all these winter clothes at the start line.......

Friday, January 10, 2014

Doing this Backwards

I didn't have any adventures last year.  Last year was about getting through it.  It's over now.

One of the things I've realized about my life:  if I plan it, I will make it happen.  It's a goal.  So, I'm now planning the first six months of this year.  Let me tell you, I'm booked already.

Carolyn visits in January
Vegas in February - for a hockey tournament (I haven't booked the flights, but I have to go)
March - Moab annual camping trip.
The start of April, I'm going to Paris.  I'm running another marathon.  My running buddy whom wants to go.  The things I do for trips.
End of April - Granny/Leasa birthday trip to Nashville.  A half-marathon.
May  - St Louis to see my nephews graduate high school.

The Hawaii people are going to come stay in my house while I'm in Moab/Paris.  As of right now, they don't think they are coming for the summer.  I have a feeling though, they will be here.  And if not, I've already started looking for other people to swap with.  I'm not quite ready to give up our Hawaii summers.  

The boys and I did talk briefly about going another place.  Trying a new adventure.  We just aren't quite done with our old one yet.

NOW - I have this all planned.  I'm all committed to all sorts of people.  I'm in.  

As I look back at my life, I plan it, then I figure out how to pay for it.  If I don't plan it, I don't have extra money sitting around.  I won't have any money AND I won't have done anything (best example is the year 2013).

So, I'm booked.  I'm planned.  Now to go find the money......

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


14 goals for 2014.

Each goal then has 14 parts.

But first, let me tell you about 2013.  It was about time.  It was Deux Time.  Time to start over.  Time to breathe.  Time to just let go.  Or hang on longer than I should. Well, of course, that's what I deux......

I'm sure I remember a year in the past that I wanted to be over.  But for some reason, it wasn't last year.

HOWEVER, last year, well, is OVER.

So, for this year, I'm starting with my theme again.  Knowing full well, well this "isn't what I meant".

It's the year of 14.  14 things - and each of those is another 14.  But we count both sides.  There AND back as TWO.  Just because we go, doesn't mean we have to go back - so, here goes:

14 miles per week - running that is - more details to follow
14 random acts of kindness
14 pounds to lose
14 thank you notes to write
14 trips (7 round trip.  As we know, I've booked MANY a ONE way tickets in my life)
14 placements (work)
14 things to acquire (me, the SO non-materialistic girl - I will acquire maybe, 14 places place my STUFF).  Afterall, I bought a juicer this year.

I count each of those as double.  As it's only 7, but really 14.   You have to count there AND back.

Tomorrow, I'm buying 14 pairs of new panties.  It's time  (I should have done this last year). It's new.

It really has nothing to do with panties.  It's all about new.

I don't know when I've ever done one thing.  I'm doing 14 new things this year.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Unrequited love

The love we can't have.   The love we had for a "moment", but we couldn't/didn't hold on to it.  For some reason, the timing just isn't right.

It's is story of my life.  Right time.  Wrong place.  Right place - wrong time.  

I'm not talking about my flirting friend.  I'm talking about a time and a place and it wasn't meant to be.  Or at least not, right now.  

We've all had those.  So instead of really 

But this story is not about me.  It's about my son.  He got a taste of the "unrequited love" of life.  They "I want you to be my girlfriend" and instead of saying yes.  She said nothing.  Too scared to say yes (after all, they were 14), but not wanting to let him go.  Then, when she wanted "more", well, it was too late.  

The back and forth game begins.

There is this website with teenagers called  Then you ad your "handle". and you can "anonymously" ask anyone on this site anything.  Although, as we know, nothing on the Internet is "anonymous".  

So, she's posting all over the place of how in love she is.  Then he posts "I'm in love".  Well, she doesn't like this.  Of course she doesn't.  All I can think is "I want you to still be missing me - even though I'm out living my life, you need to miss me".  

I remember being that girl.  

You scare me to death.  Only, I want you here with me - while I go play.  (Much like their mom and dad's).  But just remember, while you are "out there" looking - the one you missed out on, well, was the one you had in the first place.  Don't spend your whole life wondering what it "would have been like".  Don't miss your chance.

If you aren't smart enough to realize it the first time, realize it the second time....

Friday, January 3, 2014

Flirting is Free

What is it about the Lifetime Network movies that suck you in?  (I think it's now called LMN - versus Lifetime)

These are bad "Made for TV Movies", whom usually start out okay.  Then after the first twist or 20 minutes, well, they are dreadful.  If you try starting one in the middle, it just doesn't work.  If you start, at well, the start, they in some way, hook you in.  Then next thing you know, it's two hours later and you are crying because you watched this movie.

Almost five years ago, I started watching a Lifetime movie - it was called "Flirting with Forty".  Oh, what's her name.  Heather Locklear was the lead.  It was a summer day.  We still had real cable back then.  Not the "ghetto cable" (as the boys call it) we have today.  (They should consider themselves lucky - we are about to get rid of cable and "stream" TV)

I digress.

I get sucked into this movie.  Long story short:  Heather goes to Hawaii and meets a young surf instructor and ends up flying back and forth.  They break up.  Then one day he shows up IN DENVER - Because, THAT IS WHERE SHE LIVED.

Remind you now, this was BEFORE my little Hawaii adventure.  I just remember watching the movie and being really jealous.  Then I discovered she was "living in Denver" - then I was just pissed.  I'm sure the movie isn't very "good", but in my mind, well, you can see, I still remember it.  (Yes, she was divorced and had two kids).

Then next thing you know.  Well, okay, not really.  It was two years later, my adventure to Hawaii began.  I was "Flirting in my 40's".

I'm a good flirt.  It's fun to flirt.  And truthfully, I'm more "talk".  Don't get me wrong, I've gotten into my share of trouble from flirting, but really, it's fun to flirt.

Flirting makes you feel like a million bucks.  You feel attractive.  They feel attractive.  The best flirting is all that is done - then left alone.  It was free.  No need to act.

This New Years Eve we were on our annual pilgrimage to see friends we always see.  To the New Years Eve party we have attended for the last 5 years (minus 1).  My "brothers" were there.  My sons were too.  Some other great friends we've met over the years too.  AND, my flirting buddy.

We met with this group years ago.  He's married.  He's got kids. (They were still out of town from the holiday's).  He's a great looking guy - in shape, smart and successful.  And we are attracted to each other.

But only in a flirting kind of way.  In fact, we usually just say hi and smile - then walk in the other room.

This year though, we texted each other during the party.  It was fun.  It made me feel like a million bucks.  Silly stuff - "I like your socks" - was one of the texts.  "Thanks for trying to kill us when we were shooting off the fireworks" was another.

Nothing sexual.  Nothing risque - unless you are counting "I'm going outside - do you have extra clothing I can borrow?  Like your gloves."  Just flirting.

Just like that - the night ended.  That was the end of our flirting.  Back to the real world.

Flirting is free.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wrapping Up the Year

For me, the hoopla around New Years is not about the New Year.  It's about the old year.  Wrapping it up. Coming to a close.  I can't celebrate the START of something - we don't know yet what it is going to bring.

I guess I can't really celebrate the ending of something.  Maybe I don't want it to end?  It's a wrap-up. Maybe it's a break-up that you aren't ready for.

For me, (and you can laugh if you want), my "fiscal" year, usually runs from July to July.  Not this arbitrary January to January stuff.  As I was born in June - my year runs until June.  I do better from July to July.  January though is a good way to look at my "calendar" year.

Of course, that whole time of your life that you are in school - your "calendar year" is September to June.  Taking a break from June to September.

The nice thing though - I look at the ending, not the start.  What I'm wrapping up.  What I'm finishing.  I can't really prepare for the "what is going to happen next".  I can just tell you what ISN'T going to happen next. What I'm finished doing.

I do have some goals for next year.  Because, you know what?  I really set no goals for 2013.  And you know what?  I didn't achieve anything.  I survived.  I don't like just surviving.

What I'm done doing:

  • Surviving - mentally, physically, fiscally, spiritually.  I'm done with "surviving".  "Surviving" has never been enough for me.  Why is "getting through all this" now enough for me?
  • Not planning trips.  I had NO adventures this year.  And no, Hawaii does not count - we "went" there - there was no adventure.
  • Wearing my workout clothes all the time.  I don't even work out all the time.  
  • Being worried about the next phase of my life.  The boys will be off in college soon - and just life everything else, there is something waiting for all of us.  I just have to be present.
  • Having the opportunity for sadness in my life.  I had the opportunity to attend 5 funerals this year.  I have one more left on January 4.  While, I only attended 3, that's more than I've ever attended in one year before.  It doesn't matter if they were young or old, it was sadness - and I just need to keep remember I was glad I was touched by so many wonderful people.
  • Not being in charge of my life.  It's amazing when I step-up in FRONT of my life, I have a great time.

My goals for 2014? Those will come next week.  When I'm not hungover.  When I've experienced some new traditions. When I'm in Denver.  When I've wrapped up 2013.  When I'm ready to thrive.....

Friday, December 27, 2013


As much as I accept change, there is honor in tradition.  While I attended and graduated from Texas A&M University and understand ALL there is to know about tradition  - sometimes things still change.

They need to change.  Maybe just a bit - not major changes.  Just a few changes.  Honor thy tradition, yet accept modifications?

What happens when someone gets married?  Or moves away?  Or has a baby?  Or all of the above.  Yes, we are at the traditional time of year, but things do change.  It's not easy.

This year, I attended 3 Christmas parties.  It was a record year.  I don't think I attended any last year.  That different.

We had friends over Christmas day - 6 adults - 5 kids.  Last Christmas day was a different number, a different crowd - yet the same sentiment was there.  Friends together for Christmas.

The boys and I head out to Utah tomorrow to wrap up 2013.  A tradition we started several years ago.  We did miss one.  We didn't like it that year.

This year will be different too.  We aren't staying where we normally stay.  They have a new baby.  The mom seems a bit over-whelmed.  (Not is a good way). That's okay, we are going to let her adjust.  We are going to adjust too.  My sons friends (really, the ones whom are my friends), well, one of the brothers is staying with us.

A tradition we started a few years ago.  Now changing for the seasons too.