Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fasinating Person #1 2012

Vanessa Antrobus Quinn  - this one is for you!

My theme for the year is about the people I meet along the way.  And I MEANT the people that I met along the way THIS YEAR, but as we know not everything works out the way we want it too.

I never met you.  Met, yes, past tense.  I was not fortunate enough to meet you.

5 years ago today someone decided to commit suicide by police and took you AND 5 others with him.  A random senseless act of violence.  (Google her name - you can read the story.  Or click here for a direct link).  This happens to OTHER people.

Although you are no longer with us - you have effected our lives.  My life.  My sons lives.  I want you to know what you have been doing, while you are not here.

One of my dearest friends was married to you.  He misses you every single day.  I have felt his hurt and pain and know that only you could help this.  To see someone hurt the way he hurts.  I feel helpless.  Not something I feel on a regular basis.  This instance, I can't "fix".  I can't make it better.  I can't make it go away.  Almost the feeling a mother has for her child - please, just make it better.  You have taught me that some pain will never go away.  It will lessen with time, but there will always be a scar.

You have INCREDIBLE friends.  INCREDIBLE.  There are no words for our mutual friends.  I now have the joy of your friends in my life.  The Russo and Streeter kids are growing like weeds.  There are some new additions too.  And Petey even has a girlfriend.

I somehow missed meeting you in life.  So did my sons. The year after your death we went to your house.  And after our trip I told them your story.  I want you to know every year on your birthday and the day you died,  my sons reach out to Rich to let them know they are thinking of him.  In fact, they ask me, if they have the date correct.  (I don't think they know MY birthday, but they know yours).    They are now 12 and 14 year old boys.  Not many boys know compassion like you have taught my sons.

For whatever reason, I got back in touch with your brother in-law after many a years - literally 6 months before you died.  He was out of shape, over-weight and I told him he had to do a half-marathon with me.  If you hadn't died, he wouldn't have done it.  Thank you.  (He should thank you too, but well, he's not good at those things).  Now I have a memory of a weekend on Catalina Island, that I would have never had, if it hadn't been for you.

Even though we never met - this is what I do know about you:

  • You lived life to the fullest
  • You have incredible friends
  • You liked music that is embarrassing to admit to like, but you liked it anyway  ( and I REALLY like that about you)
  • Strey Dog and Jackson Dog are lovable (you raised them well!)
  • And for you to have loved Richie, well, we know you are even more special.  ;-)
Thank you for enriching my life.  Thank you for making my sons even better gentlemen than I had hoped or dreamed.  

We are here celebrating you.  Thank you.  Rest In Peace

Vanessa Antrobus Quinn  February 8th, 1978 – February 12th, 2007  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Catcher in the Rye

A 1951 novel.  A classic.  One of those books some people read sometime during 7th grade.

I never had to read the book.  (or at least if I was SUPPOSED to read the book, well, I didn't).

About 10 years ago - if not 12, I got this wild hair and thought I needed to read this book.  I don't really remember where it came from.  I THINK it was a suggestion from someone whom I worked with.

****SPOILER ALERT*****  I'm not going to tell you how the book ends, but I will discuss this book - so, if you don't want to know, you need to stop reading now. :-)

This book is very circular - in other words, it says the same thing over and over and over and over.  If you have boys or you are a boy, you understand this book better.  I'm a simple girl.  When I started this book, my sons were young.  I don't have brothers (unless you counts the ones I've claimed along the way) - I didn't grow up with boys around the house.  I couldn't relate.

I started this book when my sons were young.  It was okay.  HOWEVER, I felt it was a duty.  An obligation to read this book.  Not a very compelling reason to read a book!

We need to travel back in time.  I started this book.  I was married, I had two young sons and I was going to read The Catcher in the Rye.

I got divorced, I moved, I moved back into my house.

I started the book again.

I dated a fun guy once for a bit and we used to read bits of the book to each other.  He "got" the book - he had to read it earlier, and plus, well, he was a boy.

I moved to another house.

I moved the book with me...... And it was on my nightstand for YEARS. YEARS - literally, we are talking about a total of AT LEAST TEN.

For whatever reason, I couldn't get rid of the book.  I also knew, I would never finish the book.

I would try.  I would start reading and read a page or so.  Of course, I couldn't remember where I was in the book.  Truly, years had gone by......

Last summer, while packing up for the house swap, the book was on my night stand.  Of course, it was, it had never left. 

I'm taking this book with me.  And if it's the last thing I do, well, I'm finishing this book.  This is the summer.

Two other books to read, all these things I want to do.  And yeah, I'm supposed to not only finish a book I couldn't, but really I should start over.  Start at the beginning.  Start at the beginning of the book.

So, I did.

I started over.  3 weeks in - yes, you can guess it.  I think I'm on page 20....  Heck, I was further along than this when I started over....

Why do we always view starting over as a bad thing?  Do we think we will have the same outcome???

At the start of the 3rd week, the boys are with me, I've met new friends and life on the island is very busy.  Our new friends come for dinner (9 people total) - we grill out, we play games, we roast marshmallows - a perfect evening.

We are gathered around the campfire and my youngest son says "my mom reads the strangest books.  She read the Twilight Series". (we were talking about books).   Katy (a 16 year old) replies:  "You read the Twilight Series??? I read that in like 7th grade"  "Of course, it wasn't around when I was in 7th grade to read," I replied.  And Al (one of the friends) replies, "You know what's a really good book?  You need to read The Catcher in the Rye".  Seriously?  I met this man approx 72 hours before this moment, and he's telling me I need to read a book that has been on my nightstand for 12 years?

There were tears in my eyes. I said, "what did you say".  "Catcher in the Rye, now that's a good book."  WHAT?   And no, he hadn't seen the book on my nightstand.  (it's okay, you know you were thinking that).

I guess it was time to finish the book. 

I did finish the book - it took me until September - of the same year, but I finished.  And it was worth it.  I understand it much better having teenage boys.

Yes, it's a bit circular, but I now understand why you need to read it.

Yes, it's still on my nightstand.  Every time I look at it, it makes me smile.  It's up to us to decide, is the whole thing real?  made up?  or a little bit of both???

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I was supposed to..... Part II

It's funny how time changes things.

I have been home six months.  And now I'm mad at myself about summer. 

This WAS supposed to be a summer of change!  Reflection!! Yoga!!! Learning a new skill!  A new way of thinking!!! I WASN'T supposed to go back to the real world and not take with me the things I learned.

I'm mad.  I was supposed to learn something.  I was supposed to change my way of thinking.  If I could just have a month off, when I went back, everything would be ok.  My day to day life is wonderful and I would remember that - I just needed a break.

I wasn't supposed to come back the same person! 

Oh, that 's right.  I didn't.

And maybe that's why life seems a little more difficult than easier.  I changed, I grew, I learned and then I had to go back to my "real life".  - Not expecting pity - my life is great.  And for that, I will always be eternally grateful.  I have worked hard, and I am blessed with an incredible support system. 

I'm back and I do what we are supposed to do, but for a moment, the gypsy girl got to shine.  I'm over needing to be the #1 sales person in the company.  (I did that).  I'm over the shoes, the clothes, the cars, the "things" that "enrich" your life.  Truly, those things have always been things. 

My life is blessed and I am very fortunate that life has worked out for me so well.  I do give my self credit, I have worked hard to make it work out so well.

HOWEVER, the gypsy girl, whom I let out more and more each summer - is knocking at the door.  She wants more.  She is a drug that can't be fed.  She wants her flip flops, she wants her beach towel. She's having a temper tantrum.

Haven't I given enough???  That sounds SO selfish. 

Let the gypsy girl have her tantrum - then send her to her room.  She's pouting.  It's okay to pout.  Let the grown up worry about the bills, about the schedules, about, about, about.

And what feeds the gypsy girl best - no, it's not a trip.  It's planning the adventure. What she THINKS will happen....... That's all she really cares about.  Let her out to plan - to dream, to imagine and to remember.  Every day is a blessed day.  Every day is wonderful - just look for the "majic".  It happens in the most mysterious ways.....

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hell, I can't even spell the word.  I had to look it up.  Had to make sure it was spelled correctly.

Not one of my virtues.  Not something I think I could even want in my life.

I want it now.  In fact, I wanted it yesterday.  And for the first time in a VERY long time - well, I want you.....

Just be patient.

You always get whatever you want in life.  You just don't get it when you think you should.  OR when you want it.

One of the things I've learned in life:  you ALWAYS get what you want.  ALWAYS.  And  I know there are people whom are going to argue with me on this one.  BUT, sorry, you are wrong.  

Here is the trick.  It doesn't always show up like you thought it would.  Or hoped it could.  HOWEVER, what you wanted showed up.  And SOMETIMES, when it finally does show up..... You don't want it any more.  (don't forget that!!  Just because you don't want it anymore doesn't mean it didn't show up like you asked)

Remember that girl you had a crush on in 9th grade and couldn't live without??
That guy whom you were going to die without marrying?
The killer job, with everything you always wanted?
The baby you wanted? 
The July off???
The summer romance that was supposed to continue?
The bank account full of money?
The mental capacity not to care about any of this?

Just remember, you either quit wanting it or it shows up in your life.  At some point.  Maybe not looking like you thought it would look.  In fact, the dream might show up and blind-side you.  Or the dream might sweep you off your feet.

You either have to create the dream or go find it.

Remember that girl you had a crush on in 9th grade and couldn't live without??  Had 3 kids and is abused.  And thinks of you all the time
That guy whom you were going to die without marrying?  Smokes 3 packs a day and you have nothing in common
The killer job, with everything you always wanted?  Requires you to travel 90% of the time
The baby you wanted?  Maybe she is still waiting for a home from an orphanage in Mexico.

The July off???  It's still waiting for youOnly it's September
The summer romance that was supposed to continue?   he got married, so did you - and you both realize it was a summer romance and you both grew up.
The bank account full of money?  Check, so maybe it happened.  Will it ever be enough?
The mental capacity not to care about any of this?  It's all just stuff......

Just be patient.  Just be patient.  Just be patient.  Patience opens our eyes.  Just give it time

I'm convincing myself as well as you.  And we both know, it's worth the wait.....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The missing picture book

Most people take lots of pictures. And this is where everything we have in common ends.  What we do with those pictures goes something like this:

Pre-digital camera days:  (aka film)

Take lots of pictures.
Never get the filmed developed.


Get the pictures developed.

Put all pictures into shoebox.


Get pictures developed  (double copies)

Give one away

The other goes into a scrapbook.

I guess that could be described a personality type 1, 2 or 3

Digital age:

Take lots of pictures

Immediate gratification - can see them on the computer.  Heck, now we can see them instantly.

1)  Leave them on the camera.


2)  Upload pictures from camera to computer

Then they may stay on the computer FOREVER.  Unless of course, you think your computer is about to die, then you spend HOURS, putting them in another place (from the drawer to the shoebox so to speak) -; www.mypictures,com   etc.

You may upload them to a site - publish them for the world to see....


MAYBE print them out


Put them in a nifty scrapbook - NEVER having to print them out.  Putting them in order, cute comments and good pictures - then POOF you have a cute picture book that arrives in the mail.

Truth be told - I'm a combination of all of the above.  I upload pictures, I print some out, I leave some on the camera and some on a share site.  AND with a deadline, I will make a picture book.  I LOVE my picture books.

My Granny and I started a tradition 7 years ago.  We took a trip together - a cruise up the Mississippi river.  Her 75th birthday, my 35th birthday.  For our 80th/40th - we went to Vegas.  She had never been.  I couldn't WAIT to make our picture book.  In fact, the last picture was blacked out "to protect the innocent".   Because, we all know "what happens in Vegas,......."

The picture books are fun, easy and also easy to replicate.  (Simple to give as a gift).

And yes, sometimes it takes me a whole year to make those books.  Beach vacations - I have the best idea too for a "First Day of School Book"  - the boys every first day of school........

There is one book I'm having trouble starting.

The Hawaii Book.

Yes, there are 214 pictures.

Yes, they are all on the share site.  All off the computer. 

And yes, I made a cute little video with pictures and songs - only it needs to be edited.  I just can't start the book.

I don't know why.  Maybe I don't want the feeling to end.  Maybe I feel it was real, and day to day life you just can't capture.  Vacations you can capture.  Special moments you can capture and put into a book.  This one just doesn't want to go into a book yet.

Don't get me wrong, I have procrastinated other books before - thinking "LATER".  This one is different.  I don't even want to start it.

The book might make it a vacation.  A trip.  A moment.  Somethings to look back at and remember.

Denial might be the correct word.  I'm still thinking it was a journey.  Part of the passage.  Say, for instance, 7th grade.  And I wouldn't put 7th grade into a picture book. 

At least they are uploaded.  And it's not edited, but there is music to it.  Some of the pictures are duplicated, it's not in order.  I DO love to look at it.  So do the boys.

In fact, we love all our picture books.

This one is just not ready to go into the books.  If I put it in the books, the journey will be over?

Nah, Carolyn and I thought that for years.  There are tons of our pictures AND books from our vacations and beach trips - they still continue. 

In the front of my mind, I'm not ready for this moment to be over.  Part of history.  After all, we talk about Hawaii at least on a weekly basis around here.  There is the hesitation.  Once it goes in the book, it becomes the past.

This picture book might just have to live in our head.  Once again, things are usually better in our heads than anywhere else......

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Was this their decision?

We all influence other peoples lives.  Directly, indirectly, by accident, on purpose, intentionally, etc.  If you have children, you expose them to a multitude of activities.  But chances are, the only activities you expose your children to are the activities you like.

I realized the other day, my sons have never played a game of baseball.  I'm not a huge baseball fan (I do go to games though), their dad isn't into baseball either.  So, it's one of those sports that has just slipped by us.  My children haven't missed out on anything - they have exposure to other activities.

What I really want to know is:  what about the kids who only CAN play/do one activity?  Let's look at the Manning family.  You know, Archie Manning, Peyton Manning, Eli Manning...... Yes, there are two brothers who don't play football.  Can you imagine the pressure on those two boys?  What about the pressure on Eli and Peyton?  What if they had wanted to play another sport?  Did they LOVE to get up in the morning and go play football???

Rumor has it John Elway wouldn't let his son play Lacrosse in high school.  Thought it might take away from his football ability.  Of course, in the middle of his sophomore or junior year in college, Jack Elway walked off the football team.  Maybe he always wanted to be a Lacrosse player???

I could go on and on.  There are tons of famous examples of children and their activity choices.  Do you expose your children to everything and then see what piques their interest?  Do you pick an activity and they like it because you like it? 

When do you start making your own choices about what you like in life versus what your parents want you to like in life???

Reading back over this, there are more questions than answers.  There are no easy answers.  It takes a brave child to tell their parents they don't like something you want them to like.  If only we would listen.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I would flee


A dear, dear friend of mine and I were having a conversation one day - YEARS AGO.  She started the conversation with something close to the disclaimer above.  PLEASE - if you EVER think for EVEN a moment, someone you know is thinking of this, PLEASE, yes ask.  And it's okay if you ask me.  I would rather save one life than have you be shy about asking me.

It went something like this:  I want to ask you a question, but I don't want you to worry about me.  I'm just asking.  "Do you ever want to just get into your car and ram yourself into the rock wall?"   My IMMEDIATE response was "Oh no, I'm a "flee-er" not a "crash into the wall kinda gal".

Now as I reflect on that conversation, it makes me laugh.

She was having a rough day.  She wasn't thinking of driving into a wall - it was a "how do you cope/avoid/deal with it when you had enough situation".  With her personality type, she is a "drive into the wall kinda gal".  Work as hard as you can, be the best mom you can be, be the best wife you can be - and heck, when you are done:  drive into the wall to escape.  Escape might be TV; a book, staying at work late, etc.  Go harder and faster and what you are currently doing.

My response to the question?  NEVER.  I probably used to be that girl.  (maybe)  I'm more of a flee"er".  When I've had enough????  Get in my car, on my bike, in the pool/ocean, put my running shoes on, etc and GO...... As far as I can, as fast as I can.  And don't stop.   Get out of here, but not to hurt myself.  Are you kidding???  There is a WHOLE world waiting for me.  The wall would impede that process.

This conversation went on for a bit.  After a while, I viewed "fleeing" as something I WANTED to do.  NOT a bad thing.  I was excited.....

WAIT, I can't flee - I have kids, I have a business, I have a house, blah, blah blah.

 And THIS is the very best part of the whole story:  I can't flee right now, but say in 6 or 7 years (remember this was a few years ago) I can flee.  WOW!  What an empowering feeling.  I can go anywhere I want to go and do anything I want to do.  My kids will be in college, I can finally "FLEE"

Of course, I would have to call Carolyn and tell her where I was going.  I would have to let the boys know where I would be.  I would want to call my mom & dad and grandparents, so they wouldn't worry.  I would then send out a Christmas card to all my friends and relatives letting them know where to find me.......  Wait a minute.  That's not "fleeing", I said.

"That's what you call....... MOVING"......  We laughed.  We smiled. 

Not sure if I was supposed to laugh or cry.  It was very empowering to want to "just leave".  Wait, didn't I do that already????  I moved to Colorado.  I left my husband. I went to Hawaii for a summer.  I LEFT.  Didn't I already "flee"?

As you can see, I don't really want to "FLEE".  It's the thought that made me smile.  The empowerment that I could.

In 2010, I ran a marathon.  My first.  The first.  Athens, Greece - The 2500th anniversary of the ORIGINAL running from Marathon to Athens.  On my wrist, I wore a paper band, with names of people for every mile.  That way, for that ONE mile, you thought of that person and their influence in your life.  At mile 20 - that is where they said the uphill climb ends, I wrote down my friends name.

She said to think of her at mile 20 - and at that moment, I was to think of fleeing. I could "flee"  - from mile 20 to 21.  Sometimes, all we need is a mile......