Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I forgot my clothes - or More tales of living like a teenager

What? You can't go to eat because "You don't have any clothes". That's right. When you hang with the locals - you just go - in your swimsuit cover-up. However, I loved saying "I forgot my clothes"

Now carrying a beach bag, every time I leave the house. (sounds kinda responsible) - It includes: Swimsuit, underwater camera, snorkel gear, sunscreen and a change of clothes. One never knows

Speaking of, at the house, you really don't have to wear a lot of clothes. I've had dinner several times now in my towel wrap, on the front lanai (porch). The cats don't seems to mind.

And my favorite question from those "state-side": Have you met anyone? I'm in my towel on the lanai, when I'm not running 90 miles an hour trying to see everything. OFF/ON. The answer is no. Unless, you count Joe and Trixie, oh, and Erin and her boyfriend and the couple on the Sunset Cruise, the surf instructor....

I did grill out tonight. I wonder: do the chickens know I'm grilling game hens?

Life of a teenager

No wonder teenagers are surly (sometimes) - just think, us adults want them to DO things.

Now here by myself in Hawaii on Day 11ish, I've quit counting. I had to ask someone three times yesterday what day of the week it was. It was quite embarrassing. My grocery list has consisted of Monster Energy Drinks (I don't drink coffee), Club Soda, Eggs, Bread, and salad greens. Oh, and I bought a cucumber today. I did buy fresh tuna the other day. And wine, of course. I've had LOTS of fish tacos in town. I make breakfast and eat the mango's and other fruit on my walk in the morning.

Yesterday, I did two loads of laundry.

That's it - those have been all of my responsibilities. To my credit, I have been working every morning for at least four hours. All my other responsibilities I normally take care of - not so much. And you know what? DUDE, IT'S AWESOME!!!..... No wonder kids are so happy. They get to play.

Should be interesting when my tween/teenagers arrive. Wonder what they will think of my lack of responsibility.

I have a feeling I'll do a bit more when the boys get here. Or maybe, they will get to be the responsible ones this summer? Yea, not really counting on that.....

To all the moms and dads out there, "Mahalo" for all you do/did. Not everyone gets breaks. Everyone should.

"Mahalo" means "thanks" in Hawaiian.

Relaxing Day

I really don't know how to relax.

The black eye is looking better - really should be called a purple eye. The swelling has gone down and the scrape is healing.

Work - I work from home. Or really, any home, or any coffee shop or anywhere there is Internet connection. AND, more specifically, only as little as I have to work. Hawaii time makes it both great and challenging all at the same time.

For some reason, most of my clients are either on the East Coast or Central Time Zone. In other words, a 6 hour time difference. Good news, work is over here by 11am - still plenty of time to play. Bad news, well, work begins around 4 am.

Today I went to one of the resorts on the North side of the island. The plan is to go there for a "Luau" one of our last nights here.

WOW! It's Disneyland at the sea - there is even a monorail. Dolphins - and you can pay an outrageous amount of money to actually swim with the dolphins. If you sit at the restaurant, you can just watch them play. Beautiful. And the resort was beautiful. Manicured, air conditioned, boring. Yes, you read that right. There is a lagoon to "paddle board, snorkel, etc" I'm glad I checked it out. I'm glad the boys will get to see it - it's EXACTLY like you would expect a resort in Hawaii to look like.

I like my little town - my pineapples in the backyard, the chickens running around and the manicured lawn. For being a people person, too much of people is not something I like. Being a local - not a tourist.

Yet, I'm not really relaxing, just doing things on my own.

The Manta Ray's - there are not words to describe this experience. You can go out on a boat, snorkel and swim at night with the Manta Ray's. OR you can go to the Sheraton and watch them swim and play in the light. Believe it or not, I watched them from the deck of the Sheraton. After all, I have to save something to do with the boys.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To be awake when the world is asleep

The rest of the world is fast asleep. Hawaii - everything closes at 10 - most people here are from other countries. It's either very late or very early. Which way did you fly?

Coffee region of Kona. Not sure what that really means, other than there is some vegetation here. Oh, yea, and wildlife. Turkey's, chicken - Sandy and her babies (Ed and Rich - you will continue to haunt me). It's almost 10. Can I PLEASE go to sleep????

I don't drink coffee. There are six coffee trees in my back yard. And TONS of coffee tress down the road. AND, I don't drink coffee. Is there carbonated coffee? I don't really need all the chemicals. And in fact, my boys will pick coffee starting on Sunday. We will have a Kona Kreation - Karbonated Koffee....... Sign me up. Karbonated water and the coffee beans being picked in the morning.

Please, please - I'm trying to adjust with a leg on both sides of the fence. AH HA. Climb off that fence and skip (when did you "skip" last") to the other side......

Sandy's boyfriend (the rooster) sorry, to say, well, he's having a funeral soon.

On the East Coast of America it's almost time to wake up. I have a conference call at 3:45 (EDT). I will go to sleep soon.....

What I thought/What really happened - SO FAR

Hawaii for a month! I'm going to take surfing lessons - at least every other day, I'm going to snorkel, ride my bike, run, kayak. Ah, maybe I should make this a "spiritual journey" - Yoga classes, reading books, attend a native Hawaiian religious service. Learn to make lei's - I even know where I can go for free classes - PLUS, BONUS, learn to basket weave! :-)

I know - I'll get up at four every morning, work until 8 or 9, go play, nap, and play some more.....

Well, yes and no. As Joellen says, "If you ride the teacup ride for too long, you WILL get sick".

Okay - REGROUP.. My whole life is scheduled. NO SCHEDULES. I did read, I did kayak, snorkel - That worked for about 4 days. Then I hit overdrive (DAMN - I REALLY need a middle speed). And all HELL BROKE loose.

Sunset Cruise, Surf Lessons, Hike to a waterfall on the other side of the island. (drove to other side of island, then hiked down). Volcano hike, Macadamia nut factory (MUST HAVE MACADAMIA NUT MARTINI AT HUGGO's - put it on your bucket list!), try to kidnap a goat. (Know anyone who will deliver a goat???) I REALLY think Joe needs a goat. AND - I have a black eye. As active as I am, I'm really not a "black-eye" type of girl. I like my nails polished, my hair "done" and my eyes - well, really they are one of my better features. Mother Nature, can you now please leave my eyes alone????

STOP - REGROUP. Let's figure out how to live through the next three weeks of this adventure......

#1 - Would have LOVED to take a bike ride with the local triathletes who live here. NOT on this side of the island. There is just no room.

Years ago, a woman in Denver taught me Pilates. The story she told me was about her dad, and I remember very clearly - His dream was to ride the "big island" on his bike. He was hit by a car, living his dream. And as much as I love the fact he was doing what he wanted to do and died doing it (okay, I don't mean I like that he dies), I couldn't think of a more complete story. HOWEVER, I DON'T want that to be me.

Neighbor Joe has loaned me his bike for my duration (he's now gone for 10 days - more stories there). Not riding on the road - they are just WAAAAAYYYYY to narrow. Will stay off road- can still bike ride. Just not where I thought I would. IN OTHER WORDS, biking the island is NOT going to happen.

#2 - Surfing lessons - don't think I need to explain this one. Although, I am going back on the board.

#3 - I did read a book. AND, I've started another. AND, that darn book "Catcher in the Rye" has been in my nightstand for ten years. I'm finishing THAT book on this trip. Of course, I should start over and I already started another book, and tomorrow, I wanted to ....... but a girl has to have dreams......

Monday, July 11, 2011

My OFF button is broke

I have always run on one speed - FAST - 90 miles an hour fast. I have an ON switch and an OFF switch. Can't really do anything at an easy pace.

Not sure what happened, but from last Wednesday until last night - no make that today around 11am Hawaii time - I was in overdrive and not quite sure why. Not that today was much slower, I did go Deep Sea Fishing (only caught two "Bonita fish") and then I tried to YELL "STOP" - not sure whom I was yelling at, just yelling.

I need a MASSAGE right this second.... So, I went and got one. She might have reattached the "OFF" button. Or maybe at least a SLOW DOWN FOR A LITTLE WHILE switch.

My life runs at 90 miles an hour in the real world. I'm supposed to be relaxing, playing and working all the same. Granted, I haven't had to cook dinner in over a week.

The massage therapist was funny. You know "we do have relaxing things here to do on the island". Really? I know there is Yoga class.

I'm blaming it on my sleep cycle - or lack there of. Mornings are early, to get work done on the East Coast. (i.e. at 4am Hawaii time it's already 10am on the East Coast). Then it's play time, then and then and then....... When do I flip the off switch on???

Maybe tonight?

The Outdoor Shower

In the last nine days - only one shower has been in the house. There is an outdoor shower on the side of the house (next to the hot tub). The Euclyptus tree grows to the side of the hot tub/shower area.

There is something amazing about taking a shower outside. And you would think I could relax.....