Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Decline of a Civilization

Week one on the island:  I was a tourist with my Granny, so tourist life and rules applied.  We did tourist things.  We had a bit of a schedule.  We went out to eat quite a bit.  I went grocery shopping before she arrived so we had food ready. It was a tourist vacation.  It was wonderful.

Week Two:  Nolan arrives.  Then Lily arrives.  We have a few things scheduled. I had gone to the store before they arrived. Eggs and Bagels and Portuguese Sausage and some fresh fruit for breakfast every day. The "Dry Bag" is packed every day when we go to the beach.  Fresh clothes to put on at the end of the day.  Dry towels.  The cooler is packed with homemade trail mix, sandwiches, plenty of water (bottle that have been filled the night before and frozen) and fresh fruit.  There are clean beach towels in the car. 

Week Three:  Duncan arrives.  Life-guarding starts.  Back packs are packed the night before.  Running shoes, goggles, towels, a snack.  Grab a frozen water bottle in the morning.  Grab a bagel and cream cheese and head out.  I will go to the grocery store while they are at life guarding, the food supply is getting a little low.  I pack up the cooler while they are at Life Guarding.  The dry bag is good to go.  We hang at the beach after.

Week Four:  No new arrivals.  We still have life guarding.  Dry clothes and towels are grabbed on the way out the door.  Fill a water bottle before we leave.  Please eat something and grab a snack.  The cooler is still being packed by mom while they are at training. 

Week Five:  Life guarding is over.  Sandy damp towels are grabbed on the way to the car.  The cooler has warm water bottles (ALWAYS have water), some ice, lunch meat, bread and chips have been thrown in - all in their original packaging.  Please wear something over your swim suit - as we don't know where the "dry bag is".  There is no food in the house, we are now staying at the beach past sunset.  Fresh lasagna from a road side stand and dinner out the last two nights.  Let's see I have on a summer dress.  Duncan appears to have a shirt on, a swimsuit and no shoes, Lily's clothes were wet and left at the house, she has one of my summer dresses on - it had been left in the car, Nolan has a sweatshirt on, as it was left in the car from a few days ago and his swimsuit - we went out to eat.

We have a few more days left in week 5.  There is no longer a routine or a schedule. There are no dry clothes or towels. And I guess, I should really go to the store.

There is water, pure joy, happiness and silliness

Week 6:  I'm hoping we remember to come back to the house to sleep. 

So as this group "slowly declines" in the order of the world and joins the ranks of chaos, we celebrate our happiness. 

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